Monday, September 7, 2009

Blog Grading Guidelines/Rubric

Hey class! First let me say how impressed I am with your blog posts so far. Excellent start to the semester. I'm posting some grade-related guidelines for blogs so you have a better idea of what's expected and how you will be graded. Let me know if you have any questions.

Blogging (20%) 20 points:

Students will post one blog per week related to the issues raised in the texts and class discussions. You may post critical responses to the issues/texts, examine images/advertisements/cultural products related to men/masculinity, comment on relevant current events, and more (within the guidelines provided).

1) does student include a well-developed blog that actively and explicitly engages the texts and integrates textual passages/quotes and examines these textual moments specifically? is it evident that student read and is engaging the texts through his/her response? student doesn’t have to address ALL assigned texts, but must address at least one and should make connections when possible.

2) does student go beyond his/her own personal feelings about the readings and issues and discuss the broader social and theoretical context(s), including discussion of tensions in the texts (statements and assertions that are problematic, contradictory, etc), as well as addressing those they may support and/or agree with?

3) does student exhibit proper spelling/grammar/language use/diction? avoid sloppiness and proofreading errors?

4) does student use unique subject lines when starting their own discussions rather than “Week 2,” “Week 3,” etc.? does student have an avatar and/or is it clear who is posting for grading purposes?

We have 14 weeks of blogging. Students will be graded on TEN at two points each. We can either drop their lowest grades or they can choose to only post the ten required posts.

Grades: 0 points, 1 point, 1.5 points, 2 points

2 points: Student exceeds minimum requirements
1.5 points: Student meets minimum requirements but could develop blog post, integrate texts more explicitly, and/or has some spelling/grammar issues
1 point: Student does not meet minimum requirements, but does include a blog post or response


  1. "4) does student use unique subject lines when starting their own discussions rather than “Week 2,” “Week 3,” etc.? does student have an avatar and/or is it clear who is posting for grading purposes?"

    Should we not use comments to post our blogs anymore? That way we can post subject lines?

  2. Keep posting them as comments, and if they get too long just post multiples.

  3. Sorry for the confusion. Since you are replying to posts, don't worry about the subject lines unless you are creating your own blog post. Leandra
