Thursday, October 8, 2009


Hokay, so we had A LOT of announcements this week so Arielle and I decided to post them in this handy blog thing :D

-Men Against Rape: meeting Wednesday 10/14/2009 @ 5:30PM Room: TBA
-Come Out With Pride: The march is on Sunday 10/11/2009 the parade is at noon. If you are interested in tabling or volunteering for this please email Jeff at:
-Former Haitian slave Micheline Slattery coming to speak on THursday, October 15th at 2PM
-Former Haitian slave Jean-Robert Cadet coming on Friday, October 16 at noon
-NOW (National Organization of Women) having a benefit at Ikiwi from 5-7PM 10% of this goes to NOW
-National House of Negro Women discuss women on Monday October 12th at 7PM in the Student Union room 218 AB. {only women allowed}
-Animal Safehouse tabeling at Serendipity Square October 10th 9-4PM. Email Arielle if you can table.


  1. Here is the website advertisement for the National Council of Negro Women at UCF event.

  2. anyone want to table at come out with pride? carpool? :)
