Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 05:59:40 -0700
From: Michael Kimmel
Subject: conference announcement
Friends and Colleagues:
I am writing to bring to your attention a conference I have co-organized with several other profeminist activists from around the US and Canada (Jackson Katz, Byron Hurt, Michael Kaufman, Ted Bunch) representing various organizations that work with men on campuses around gender equality and against men's violence (WRC, NOMAS, MVP, Men Can Stop Rape, A Call to Men). It is the First Conference for Campus Based Men's Gender Equality and Anti-Violence Groups.
There's an impressive line-up of speakers and panels, including a panel of prominent feminist women to discuss accountability, and how men can engage with feminist activism, and a panel of men from all those organizations listed above.
But mostly this is a conference for all those men's groups on campuses all over the country that have begun to work with women's groups around violence, sexual assault, and other feminist issues. If your campus has such a group, would you please bring this to their attention?
Thanks very much.
Michael Kimmel
Michael Kimmel
Department of Sociology
SUNY at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794
phone: 631-632-7708
FAX: 631-632-8203
This looks amazing! I wish we could like video stream or something :(