Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Rick Scott Throws an Anti-Abortion Party at the Governor's!

Apparently Governor Scott had enough time to throw a part at the Governor's mansion in July to congradulate himself and others for passing 5 of the 18 anti-choice bills introduced that session.

The party included guests such as John Stemberger, president of Florida Family Council; Dr. Michael McCarron, executive director of Florida Catholic Conference; Pam Olson of the International House of Prayer in Tallahassee; Bill Bunkley, legislative and government affairs consultant to the Florida Baptist Convention; and Jim Styer, president of Sarasota/Manatee Right to Life. And as they partied and congradulated themselves they celebrated the elimination of choices people could make regarding their reproductive health and reproductive justices. Rick Scott clearly had an interesting view on choice, considering he has never considered himself "pro-choice" so he clearly was reaching out and testing the waters with this new definition of "choice": "Scott also displayed his garbled interpretation of the phrase 'pro-choice,' telling the Miami Herald, 'You should have the opportunity to see an ultrasound of your child. It's your choice. You don't have to. This creates choice. I think it's very positive.'" .....Meanwhile, back at the ranch we all recognize that the bill just passed when this party was happening made it MANDATORY for the pregnant person to get an ultrasound and to have the fetus described to them before they could have an abortion...

Dear Governor Scott,

Making something mandatory eliminates choice.


Alexa Nelen
Member of the "Not an Idiot" club

Our Governor should not have any sort of control over our bodies regardless. What is he doing celebarting this and spending so much money just to congratulate his closest endorsers? Well, that seems like a stupid question that seems really self explanatory so never mind. I think I grasp the point.

If an outsider had to have anything to do with my uterus I'd rather the only thing they would be able to do is celebrate it from the outside, not be all up in it and celebrate their control over it. But I'm pretty sure we could all agree on that.

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