Monday, October 8, 2012

Hey baby! Women speak out against street harassment (CNN Article)

Street harrassment is an issue that demands attention. Whether walking dogs, shopping, driving in a car, or simply going to work, I know most women have experienced this type of harrassment and know how uncomfortable it can feel. People have a right to move freely without being leered or yelled at or touched or made to feel unsafe. It's good to see mainstream media covering this.

CNN Article: Hey baby! Women speak out against street harassment

1 comment:

  1. I can understand women's concerns regarding this issues. I have been subjected to street harassment where I was left feeling violated. It wasn't even the words that were said but more of the looks where they were undressing me with their eyes. There should be boundaries and consequences for street harassment whether it is coming from a man or woman. Comments such as" Hey Baby" or whispers of "Pssst" do not show respect, and do not deserve a response or even acknowledgement.

    Whitney Scott
