Monday, September 14, 2015

Transgender 7-year-old Allowed to Be Girl Scout

In 2011, a 7 year old named Bobby Montoya, who identifies as a girl, was accepted as a Girl Scout in Colorado. Bobby's mother allows him the freedom to be and dress how he wants, knowing his happiness is the most important factor. One clinical psychologist in Denver is quoted in the article: "I have a general philosophy about parenting," Dr. Worthy said. "Children are born like rocks. I mean, they're rough around the edges, and our job as parents is to flow over them like a stream and smooth out the rough edges. But the problem is when you try to mold them into what you want, you have to break them, you have to crack them, you have to change the shape. And when people aren't whole, and they aren't who they fully intend to be, then that's a difficult process also." Boys must be allowed to perform masculinity in their own way to develop healthy functioning. Bobby says he is bullied at school, and it "...hurts [him] and [his] mom both," but he chooses to stay true to himself and be strong in the face of bullies.

Read more about it HERE.  

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