Monday, October 17, 2016

CoverGirl BOY!!

I don't know about you, but I think this is some progressive and BIG news: CoverGirl has introduced its first ever CoverBoy! The makeup and skin care conglomerate has never in its history had the face of its brand be a man, and 17-year-old James Charles of Bethlehem, NY is the first! Like I said, this is super progressive for our country and internationally for so many reasons and the news couldn't have come at a more perfect time. Obviously, gender is coming into question a lot in our society these days. With the legalization of gay marriage and the surge of transgender women and men coming into the spotlight, it is hard for companies like CoverGirl to market makeup as a product for women only. If you look on Instagram and Facebook, more and more men are beginning to indulge in foundation and highlighters and they're doing it a lot better than some women! Hats off to CoverGirl for embracing this new standard of beauty; I believe that this is their way of taking a stand in the debate on gender. By announcing a male CoverGirl model, they are saying that it is okay to be a man who enjoys makeup and that makeup is not exclusively for women. They are opening their doors and arms to people in general, which is just beautiful in this day and age. Read up on it in this NYT article and interview!

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