Monday, November 21, 2016

The Difference Between Sex and Gender and Children's Development

The Difference Between Sex and Gender and Children's Development
 Image result for gender roles and children
The topic of sex and gender is something that really drives me crazy! I say this because SO many people have no idea that these two terms are very different from each other! Sex is what a doctor determines based off of the child's sexual organs. Gender is the state of being male or female but it is based off of social and cultural differences. Gender is how you express yourself and sex is biological. Most children's gender identity aligns with their biological sex. However, for some children, the match between biological sex and gender identity is not so clear.

By three years old a child can easily label themselves as either a boy or girl based on how they feel and by four have a secure sense of their gender identity. During this time in their lives is when they are learning gender role behaviors such as "boys don't cry" and "girls are lady like". I feel that children should not have to be forced into their gender because of the roles society places on these genders. Children are having to conform instead of growing and developing into their own. In the article, " Gender Identity Development in Children" in order for children to have a chance to explore different gender roles they should be given diverse opportunities such as children's book showing men and women in non-stereotypical and diverse gender roles (e.g. stay-at-home dads, working moms, male nurses, female police officers, etc.) also a wide range of toys such as action figures for girls and dolls for boys. Another important aspect is to "allow children to make their own choices regarding what sports and other activities they get involved in" ( 2015). 
 Image result for gender roles and children
An important thing people need to know and accept is that while a "child's gender-specific behavior seems to be influenced by their identification with the males and females in their lives, the sense of being a girl or a boy (i.e. gender identity) cannot be changed" ( A solution to people forcing children to conform to the "gender roles" is to change the gender stereotypes enforced by society. Now in 2016 views are changing but slowly, before in the past girls were only allowed to play with dolls and be passive while boys were taught to be assertive and use violence to solve their problems or express their feelings. Finally in our millennial generation girls are being seen as strong and independent while boys are able to show emotions and sensitivity. I am raising my son with the chance to explore this world with all opportunities not just the ones "only boys should do".

Date of Post: 11/21/2016

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