Friday, October 20, 2017

How will you change?

 By now I am sure that most of you have heard all about the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment allegations. If not, here is a brief back story: Harvey Weinstein is (was?) a major player in the movie industry and allegedly over the last few decades he has sexually harassed, abused and possibly raped women. Here’s a link to get more information on this story, should you want it:

This situation has opened the door to more women and men to talk about their experiences with sexual harassment and assault. People are sharing their stories on multiple platforms, like Twitter by using #MeToo to show that, they too have been a victim. For, one man the last few weeks have been eye opening about how common it is for women to be on the receiving end of abuse. He decided that it time for men to reflect on what personal changes they could make that will help to bring an end to this epidemic. I am curious how for this campaign will go and what real impact it will make on our culture’s views on male dominance. Here is a link to the article:

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