Monday, November 20, 2017

Be A Man

"Be A Man" is a project that encourages conversations and reflection about what it really means to be a man.  A man is caring, involved, loving, and other positive characteristics that we can find easily when a man has been raised with values.  Their mission is to provide simple ways of making a positive difference in the world by connecting real human beings that are capable to love each other and respect each other.  Bring people together and engage in care for each other. 

Here are their principles listed below:

  • Care—we all need to practice kindness and love to thrive
  • Connection—we all need people to enjoy and trust
  • Cooperation—we all share the responsibility for building a better world
  • Respect—we recognize the value of everyone
  • Integrity—we commit to do what is right with honesty and transparency 

I believe is a great way to teach our community values on how to become a real man.   Follow their link on:

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