Thursday, November 9, 2017

Extreme Masculinity

In terms of masculinity power is everything. In order to obtain that power there is a need to have control of both men and women. In the Article "The fall of Harvey Weinstein should be a moment to challenge extreme masculinity” by Rebecca Solnit. Harvey Weinstein has been described as a serial sexual harasser because of the amount of women that have been speaking up due the way he has affected them in the past. This shows that Harvey Weinstein had the power to manipulate and sexual violate women for decades without any of them speaking up till now. Men hope to obtain this much power because they either want to fit into the society or because they want the power they feel is deserved. Harvey Weinstein is a known producer who has women jobs in his hands. If a woman did not take the sexual harassment he could have easily taken them out of the movie or the TV show. With so much power the women had to give into his control so that they could strive in their career. Since he was such a known producer a lot of other men attempted to be like him as well which is why some men are now apologizing for their sexual acts that they conducted.

The fall of Harvey Weinstein should be a moment to challenge extreme masculinity

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