Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Irrelevance of the “manly man”

The social stigma of men has changed throughout time, and specifically within the last decade.  The changing perception of men and what it means to be a “manly man” has evolved from the Egyptian pharaohs wearing make up and shifted towards an expected masculine demander of all men, as the article points out. This change in male masculine demeanor has ultimately affected the male fashion word and social opinions of men based on their physical appearance. This article draws light to male masculine stereotypes and the depiction of men in high fashion. It points out photo shoots and runway show depictions of men in body jewelry, belly shirts, and make up- all female fashion and beauty standards. Recently, common social American opinion is reverting back to a common manly-man mentality and stereotypically male fashion and beauty trends. The article points out the ambiguity of the gender social scale and undefined male and female stereotypes that our society is confined around. This movement is building prominently in progressive urban areas where LBGTQ+ and anti-masculine behavior is more accepted and celebrated than rural and conservative areas. The ambiguity of male masculine expectations and stereotypes is the important point in identifying and analyzing masculine stereotypes.


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