Friday, November 3, 2017

Masculinity and Mental Health

            When you watch a movie, look on social media, or even in your own family you see that the men in the family are told to be strong and that they can’t show any of their emotions. I always thought that can take a toll on a man because I know if I can’t express my emotions I would be so depressed. Sometimes you have to be vulnerable to someone and express your stress to someone so they can help you. Even if you don’t think it might not help you, it can lift so much weight off your shoulders. I never believed a man should have emotional control because it’s okay to cry, be sad, and happy. You rarely see a man going to a therapist because there’s such a common view that men shouldn’t have mental problems. This traditional idea stops men from getting the help that they need. Men do self-harm also due to their poor mental health and they do commit suicide due to it. I believe people believe men tend to commit suicide when they’re charged with a crime or when it does happen they speak about how they never knew the guy was depressed or going through something but that’s because they never thought it was okay to express themselves and get help. In this article it speaks about 4 men and their experience with their mental health which I really think is a good read and I recommend it greatly. It can help give you a better view and may help someone around you.


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