Sunday, November 19, 2017

Men's Depression is a Reality.

According to the American Psychological Association more than 20% of men are depress or have experienced any type of depression during their life span.  Around 70% of these men met traditional criteria for depression disorder.  There is definitely regarding men depression that is different from women's depression. Women tend to be more in numbers in terms of depression, but men are more likely to commit suicide.   The consequences for this is because usually men can hide their real feelings.  On the other hand, women do not hide their feelings and are more likely to show what they really feel and express a lot more drama than men.

Research has confirmed that men who endorse greater adherence to "traditionally masculine norms" may definitely pretend they are feeling something else or "mask" their depression. As a matter of fact, the normal or traditional diagnostic can really miss or fail to detect real feelings of depression in a man.

There is more information available about this matter on the article that I chose to ready about men depression.  Here is the link for more details:

Thank you for Reading.

God Bless You All and Good Luck With the Semester.

Warm Regards,

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