Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Sexualization and abuse of black men


I wanted to share this article because men and boys can be victims of sexual assault and it is not taken seriously. Majority of sexual assault victims are women, but that does not negate the fact that boys and men are assaulted as well. It is normalized to laugh it off when it happens to a guy. I noticed that a lot of people were praising the women who talked about their sexual assault with the hashtag #MeToo. I thought that was great, but I noticed the men were not receiving the same positive feedback. Terry Crews spoke out about his sexual assault and a lot of people tried to invalidate his experience because he is a man. He fits the description of a masculine and "strong" man, so it is hard for people to imagine him being a victim. Why is that? Why is it that those who have masculine characteristics are never seen as victims? I also found this article interesting because it talked about the fetishization of black men that white men can have. Of course, I'm not saying that every white person has a fetish for black people, but what I am saying is that it is very possible and real for a person to have a fetish of a certain marginalized group. In this case, it is white men fetishizing black men. I think that is an interesting concept to learn about.

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