Tuesday, November 21, 2017

What rape culture says about masculinity

Culture is a socially scripted construct, just like rape culture. Many individuals find this subject to be fragile. We hear about rape all the time, but why aren’t we talking more about it? Rape culture says that men think about women as sexual conquests and while women are left to suffer the consequences. Rape is considered as a woman’s issue- they take on the emotional and physical trauma after the fact of the incident. In reality, we should be educating young boys and men to prevent such frequent occurrences. While women are not to be excused for rape, men often do it more. About 99 percent of rape is caused by men, as quoted from the film “Tough Guise”. Society needs to become more educated about boundaries and learn how to not cross the line. If someone feels physically uncomfortable and does not consent to purse you sexually; walk away. As the author said “It is simply about taking responsibility for how we, as men, behave and act in the world”. Education is the next step to save this crisis within masculinity.

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