Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Aziz, My Gay Friend.
He is one of my closest friends even though I met him a year ago. I never had a gay guy friend.
He can be identified as a feminist and active participator the fight for civil and equal rights. He has both masculine and feminine characteristics.
He goes by Aziz, but he created an alter ego Lily McLitty…with the Kitty.
He dances like a “girl”, wears a mix of “Violet Plum” and “Ax”, and in relationships he takes up the role associated with being a woman.
Last night he said, “my husband would leave me if I burnt water,” implying he would not be “wife” material if he did not know how to cook.
He does not identify as a woman but practices femininity daily.
The men he deals with are like the ones I’ve dealt with, but they are gay, or bi-sexual.
He understands what its like to feel unappreciated, used, and dominate by a man.
I always thought it would be different.
That if he rejects masculinity with himself then why would he be attracted to a “masculine” man?
I ask myself the same question.

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