Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Cat-calling. Is it really necessary?

If you were to ask virtually any woman, the answer would be no. It is not. In fact, I'd wager that cat-calling is more harmful to a man's relationship, or potentially new one, with a woman.

When I was down town last week with one of my friends, we got shouted at, whistled at, offered drinks, and comments made at us as we passed by. I also think we got followed, but I'm not 100% sure on that one. All in a five-minute walk (if that) from a concert venue to our favorite hot dog cart. I didn't feel flattered or feel inclined to get to know any of the men that made some sort of remark. It was uncomfortable and annoying. I know that most women, or at least each one that I have come into contact with, feels the same.

So, what is it that prompts men to make these sorts of comments? It's toxic masculinity and the need and desire to sexualize and objectify women that comes with it. I am not sure if the men that make these comments actually want anything to do with the women they are harassing, A lot of the times, it's done just for fun. When women don't reciprocate, give the response that men want, or don't respond at all, the men get aggressive. They call the women slurs and insult their appearance, even though they were positively commenting on it before. It's a power move, a way to establish that they are the dominant ones.

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