Sunday, October 6, 2019


Image result for manscaping

Manscaping (formerly known as grooming) is not something was discussed back in the 1950’s but there has been a big push over the last several years that has moved manscaping from higher economic status to something where any guy could and should manscape for the better of not just vanity but also for his health. I found a website Manscaped that is devoted to selling facial and body “lawn mowers” for manscaping. Even within manscaping there still seems to be the need for advertisers of products to assure every man that when they use their product not only are they still a man but they are more manly by using said product, hence the term “lawn mower” instead of razor.

I still find it interesting that even though manscaping is something that more widely accepted it is still something that has to be “masculinized” because before “real men” did clean up their eyebrow or sides so why do all these “pretty boys” need to do it. Why does it have to be something that gets looked down at as not masculine can’t a man be clean and put together while still maintaining his masculinity?

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