Saturday, November 9, 2019

Accountability is not a hit and run

Terry Crews was one of the people who I was the proudest of when he came out to talk about masculinity and toxic masculinity. Terry was a victim of witnessing his mother get abused, and his environment that he grew up in raised him to believe that he needed to have a "Pimp mentality." He was instructed to lie, cheat and abuse women to make sure they were submissive to him. He knew this was wrong and never wanted to grow up this way, but he had to be strong and play this "Toxic game." He grew up in this direction and gained the money, the strength, the power, the image, the fame and to show for it his wife left him. He admitted to his own faults for being toxically masculine, took accountability for the things that he did to his wife and wants everyone to hear that it was unacceptable for him, so everyone else should also be accountable for being this way. He did not hide and use how he was raised as an excuse for being abusive but wants to spread awareness on how wrong it is to follow in this toxic game. Accountability is not a "Hit and Run," it is paying your dues.

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