Sunday, November 10, 2019

American Horror Story: Apocalypse- Gay Men and Toxic Masculinity

American Horror Story: Apocalypse- Gay Men and Toxic Masculinity
by Nate Brennaman

            American Horror Story is a very feminine/feminist show. There are strong female leads in every season. AHS is also a very queer show. In season 8, Apocalypse, the feminist and queer themes intermingle. In this season, there is a coven of warlocks (the male equivalent of witches) that represent toxic masculinity, especially within queer communities. 
           While doing research for this post, I found a very interesting Reddit thread that questions whether or not the warlocks represent toxic masculinity. One commenter wrote, “Toxic masculinity? What? The warlocks were nothing like that at all. They weren’t heteronormative jock assholes.”  This comment demonstrates a lack of understanding/misunderstanding of what “toxic masculinity” entails. Toxic masculinity isn’t restricted to frat guys that like to haze pledges and sexually harass women. Gay men can also embody toxic masculinity. There is misogyny, transphobia, and even homophobia within gay communities. In AHS, the warlocks resent that fact that witches have more power than them. The men call the witches sexist names like “bitch,” and some of the warlocks even plot to kill the witches. If that isn’t “toxic” masculinity, then I don’t know what is.  The idea that “toxic” masculinity is restricted to heterosexual men in positions of power is flawed and inaccurate. “Toxic” masculinity, or rather masculinities, exist in many different forms and communities. I don’t mean to say that all gay men are sexists or misogynists, just as all straight men aren’t, but these ideas still exist within communities of men.

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