Sunday, November 10, 2019

Feminine One Day Masculine the Next

I recently watched this video of a female who usually dresses more in a masculine way take on both roles and it was amazing how different each day was. I came to appreciate how much work it can be to "play the other role" and keep up a masculine look if you are a female. This video made it apparent that gender roles are very different and this video dates only back to last year (2018) and people still viewed this woman very differently based on her appearance. It was a struggle for her to dress feminine and it was obvious that she felt uncomfortable. I was amazed to see how much different it is for the same woman to walk down a street and feel completely comfortable and then completely uncomfortable because of the role she was playing. People thought when this female dressed in manly clothes that she had a creative job but when she was dressed as a feminine female they saw her as a boss or someone in a high paying job. To me that says a lot about how people view women who identify as men or who dress like men.

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