Friday, November 8, 2019

Masculinity in Sports

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Masculinity in sports is similar to masculinity in the hip-hop culture; men are constantly under the pressure of society to be tough and suppress their pain and emotions.Being surrounded by so many other men on the team has a large impact on how one man sees his masculinity by comparing himself to the others. If one guy on a team is more muscular than another guy, that smaller guy is going to push himself more to become stronger in order to seem more masculine like the others. Also, by having all these professional sports played by men that are constantly televised, it can persuade boys to think that in order to be masculine, they must engage in physical sports where they compete with other men to show their strength and skill.

However, being that sports are more physically demanding than music, I think men's health are at risk when trying to prove they are the strongest and the best on the field, rink, court, etc. When a player is fighting physical pain from an injury and pushing forward in the game to prove his strength, he is at risk for making the injury worse which may potentially end his career.

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