Tuesday, November 5, 2019

"Mommy's Little Man"

So, I have seen that there is a new manly commercial going around called Dr. Squatch Soap. It has a spokesperson with a beard and long hair toting that the soap that you use to bathe, sucks. Stating that you are smelling like mommy’s little man and revealing a shrieking buff guy in the shower and replacing his soap with the Dr. Squatch soap and boasting the natural ingredients.

The spokesperson then goes on into what makes a man; a man. Working hard, being in the outdoors playing sports because you can only be this kind of man by using a soap that is made for men. The appeal of this seems to be advertising for lumberjacks and sailors, the stereotypical masculine entity that is strived for. What did catch me off guard in this commercial is how he has normalized men shedding tears. He emphasized that new modern masculinity encourages that it is okay to practice self-care and show emotions which we all have seen in the past as too feminine. The commercial itself seemed very contradictory, mostly because of how he starts off making fun of those men who smell like “Mommy’s little man,” to then talking about how it’s okay to cry and show emotion. 

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