Saturday, November 9, 2019

Society Condoning Violence

I wanted to discuss this video we were required to watch for this weeks module about wrestling and masculinity. Basically, even though not many people take professional wrestling seriously, it is still a popular televised series of events that will probably never end. Wrestling has quite a large impact on society and men specifically because they are seeing these well built men confronting other men and challenging them to fight to see who is the "better man". These men get extremely physical with each other but never seem to suffer any physical consequences ("happy violence") which, in a way, is showing young men that violence is acceptable and you, or the opponent, will not suffer serious injuries.

I have personally never been interested in wrestling and if I am being honest, it is actually quite intimidating to me. I never understood why anyone would want to watch this kind of thing and enjoy it. People are always entertained by watching others get hurt and if they are so easily entertained by this, what does that say about the morality of our society? Thinking about that terrifies me because if people do not take fighting, bullying, and injury serious, how can we take charge of putting an end to violence? How will boys and young men know that violence is not the answer to their problems if it is plastered all over the media and is enjoyed by large portions of society?

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