Friday, November 8, 2019

Soft but in a strong way

This New Brand Is Putting a Modern Slant on Mens Skin Care

A new skin care line, "Soft", is breaking barriers for men's skin care. With a website not afraid to show the more soft visions of masculinity, Soft is pushing men to leave toxic masculinity out of their skin products.

Soft was discovered by three friends in California who were left wondering why men's skin products featured harsh descriptions and even tougher ingredients. After stealing their wives skin care products, the idea of Soft came together under the question, What does gender have to do with taking care of our skin? 

With soft often being used as an insult to men who fall outside traditional ideals of masculinity, the company is taking the word back. And Soft's images are truly visions of soft masculinity at it's finest. What I love the most about Soft is that it is opening up a space for men to feel comfortable with themselves and their bodies, an idea that often goes unnoticed in a society that pushes men to be tough and rugged. The company is definitely pushing boundaries in an industry where it is needed to make a real change.

This New Brand Is Putting a Modern Slant on Mens Skin Care

Soft skin care website:

Soft Vogue Article:

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