Wednesday, November 6, 2019

What if we all had periods?

MENstruation ad

I have recently come across an ad for the period absorbent underwear called, "Thinx." In this ad, it shows how men and boys have their periods. For example, multiple scenes include the men asking for tampons, pads, and even a little boy confiding in his dad about getting his period. Not to mention, the very end of the advertisement it shows a boy and a girl kissing, and the boy saying, "I'm on my period," and she replies, "me too" and they continue kissing. This is concluded with a statement at the end that reads, "if we all had them, maybe we'd be more comfortable with them." While watching this ad I felt the comfort of being a woman and having a period become normalized and I felt better about my period after watching this. I know the men and young boys in this commercial had to have a lot of comfort and ability to let their guard down to complete this. I felt like the stigma of periods is being normalized, and how men are slowly becoming more accustomed to it, rather than being grossed out by it.

Link to the ad is below

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