Monday, November 4, 2019

Women's Health & Reproductive Rights

In junction with this course I am also taking WST 3015 (Intro to Women’s Studies) this week we’re discussing Health and Reproductive Rights. It’s quite eye-opening to learn that 1 in 10 women are currently uninsured, and are essentially absent to their basic human rights. More often than not, health insurance coverage is contingent on a two-tiered system that produces different outcomes for those who can pay or who have health insurance and to those that can’t afford the insurance and aren’t able to access proper methods for health care. It’s obvious that health care coverage is vital in healthy outcomes, but sadly, some of us lack it.

Below I have attached a website that includes women’s health care and reproductive rights, fact sheets, articles, and so on!

I have also attached a fact sheet in regards to adolescent sexual and reproductive health in the US.

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