Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A male's right to young actresses

The sexualization of young actress who played Matilda, Mara Wilson, has followed her throughout her career. She discloses the many instances where her body had been viewed as an adult when she was still a young age. She uses the example of Millie Bobby Brown and her experiences being an actress on the rise in what the world is today in reference to women, and the way their bodies are seen. She explains how actors and actresses are often dehumanized and seen as objects to begin with regardless of their gender. Wilson described stories of how older men found it was their right to reach out to these young women and make it known that they were aware how these child actresses made them feel. They would write letters describing the way they dress and how they present themselves as if their soul purpose is to impress their demographic. I believe this provides great insight in today’s society in how we view people who are so apparent in the media and how men feel entitled to these women and make them seem accessible in any way.  

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