Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Training men and boys to honor women in the age of #MeToo

In the time of Hollywood and DC scandals, #MeToo stories have flooded the internet in an attempt to broadcast the severity of sexual misconduct. While it’s forcing a lot of men to reexamine their own behaviors and past encounters, some men are still averse to accepting they may have had any part in this culture at any time.

"Many men haven't felt this is their problem because they don't see themselves as the bad guy," said Ted Bunch, who co-founded A Call to Men, a men's violence prevention and socialization organization. "But what they don't understand is that even though most of us are not abusive, we are silent. And that makes us a bad guy."

It’s up to men to stop the behaviors in this culture that makes it okay to make women not feel okay. It’s up to men to help redefine the concepts intertwined with dating, sex, consent and so on. I hope men will start taking advantage of the programs and training that have long been present in combatting our sexually violent society.

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