Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Kevin Spacey and Male Homosexuality In Society

As the struggle for LGBT+ rights continue, a topic of discussion that is come up is the various ways lgbt people experience discrimination in society, and the overall progress society has made in accepting lgbt people. One thing to always consider is how race and gender comes into play, how these other social aspects affect lgbt people, and in what ways these other "labels" add to the disadvantages people experience from society.
One thing I have noticed being discussed is how sexuality is being viewed in society. Many have argued that cis white men are becoming the face of the LGBT+ movement, while other sexuality and orientations are still being shunned much more by the rest of society. The argument is that cis white men are still closest to upholding the image of normative masculinity, thus society more readily includes or tolerates gay men who fit closest to the mold of traditional masculinity, compared to society's treatment of transgender people, queer women, and people of color.
While it's important to recognize cis privilege, male privilege, and privilege on the basis of race in order to analyze the power structures at play and to make the right steps towards equality, it's important not to slide down a slippery slope and make claims that any sort of "ultimate acceptance" for a marginalized community has been achieved.
Someone like Kevin Spacey and his recent actions show how easily threatened any sense of normalcy for marginalized people really is. Kevin Spacey tried to hide behind his title as a rich white man to shield himself from accountability, but at the same time he also came out as a form of distraction from accusations that he is a child predator. The reactions from gay men and other LGBT people showed that many were rightfully upset, because Spacey just through an entire group of people under the bus in order to try and excuse his actions. In doing so, he reinforces a negative, harmful stereotype that have harmed gay men for generations. The work that gay men have had to do to distance themselves from the stereotype that male gayness is inherently predatory was not easy, and yet in one statement Kevin Spacey threatened that progress completely by trying to equate the two.
I think that this shows that no one can claim any marginalized group's work is ever done, because the myths society creates against groups are so pervasive and harmful, and can indeed affect men too.

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