Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Positive Image Masculinity at Richmond College

I was researching The Man Box and trying to find something interesting to blog about when I stumbled across Richmond College's section of their website about "Authentic Masculinities." From reading it's a program they off to "help our students understand the impact of masculinities in today’s world."

They had a whole section of The Man Box:
"The term implies a rigid set of expectations, perceptions, and behaviors of what is “manly” behavior. Because it is a hierarchy, Hegemonic masculinity marginalizes men who do not perfectly fit the description of a “real man.” Because no man perfectly fits the description, all men are limited by hegemonic masculinity through policing of behaviors seen as “violations” (Edwards & Jones, 2009)."

It was the information about The Man Box that lead me to their website, but I stayed for the section called "Postive Image of Masculinities." They go into a description about how to be a "real man" starts with discovering your best self. They also break it into three different elements of acting with sound judgment, demonstrating a generosity of self, and living with confidence. 

Thank you, Richmond College, for trying to help break down the walls of our hegemonic masculine society and helping make men into better people.

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