Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Masculinity & Violence, and the Violence of Masculinity

Throughout this article, the author discusses the implications of masculinity’s toxic consequences on our world. Masculinity is simply “not compatible with liberty and justice for all.”

The men who are so adamant about fulfilling their masculine destinies are the same ones who are shooting up concerts, sexually assaulting their women colleagues and participating in overtly aggressive and violent behaviors.

Perhaps it is time that we take a less delicate approach to confronting and combatting this toxic consequence of masculinity. Let’s not give Donald Trump a chance because “he’s a business man” after his taped admittance of groping women. Let’s not push Roy Moore through to the United States’ Senate just because the GOP needs the votes to push tax bills through. Let’s not continue to cast men in movies who have sexual assault allegations against them just because they’re great actors. Let’s stop putting men’s violent records aside just to get a desired effect in another area—that’s what makes violence against women okay.

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