Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Masculinity's challenges when faced with equal rights

Often the ideas and values that are grouped in with femininity are sensitivity and recognition of social differences in our society. Many things are being said about professional football player Collin Kaepernick who has recently been released of the NFL for his affiliation with the rights of black men in American society. They publicize his sensitivity to equality and his stance as being “overly dramatic and sensitive” to how our culture “just is”. He was recently recognized as GQ’s Citizen of the Year. GQ stated “That's why we decided to photograph Colin in public, in Harlem, among the men, women, and children he is fighting for.” He is not only fighting for the right of black men, but black women and children. He has shifted the typical idea of a masculine professional football player to a dynamic public figure who is fighting for equal rights in all aspects. After GQ had named him with this honor, he was bashed by the media for being incompetent and a coward for disrespecting the flag. Many argued that his stance on the matter of equality was not anywhere near comparable to other athletes’ efforts to raise money for other causes. His response to the backlash is that if we’re still viewing equality as an issue that is not important enough as these other causes then that gives him a reason to continue on.


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