Saturday, October 27, 2018

Men And Cheating

I was searching the word masculinity like how we did for the first assignment but this time I wanted to try masculinity and advertising. When I came across this image I knew I had to post it. I feel that the almost acceptable behavior of men cheating is getting out of control. When a woman cheats on her husband she is called a slut and whore and accused of destroying the family. When a man does it I have seen people look to wife and say "well if she was making the man happy at home he wouldn't have strayed. I think this makes no sense because if the man is unhappy and cheats why can’t the woman be given the same excuse. Now I am in no way defending cheaters because I think they are all awful, but we can’t try people differently for virtually the same crime. Seeing this article mad me so mad because like stated above if an article with a that had all the typical marketing tactics to women said "cheat on your boyfriend, not your workout" there would be huge out cry of what are we teaching our children specifically little girls. However, I am sure looking at this article would generate laughs and tons of people defending this article which would include not only men but women also. There would not be in my opinion as many women defending the article if I was targeting women and men I assume would have had a lot to say about it.

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