Wednesday, November 6, 2019

a boy and his dolls

My friend recently told me a story about his dad. Mind you, his dad and him are not close at all and never have been. Just to give a little background info on my friends dad- he was in the military and is a very traditional man. There was an instance where, he was playing with his older sister were playing with her dolls- as a little boy you just want to be involved with your sister and follow her lead, you don't know that what you're doing isn't a social norm.

His father finds out he's playing dolls with his sister and causes a scene. He tells him that boys don't play with dolls and that if he does play with dolls he's a girl and if his son's a girl - he isn't his son anymore. This can be pretty traumatic for a five year old to hear from his father who he looks up to.

He was only five. 

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