Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Social Media = Stress

So just the other day, I was scrolling through my Instagram when my younger cousin who is a boy, started an Instagram live. Mind you, he is 11 years old. I decided to hop onto his live to see what he was streaming. When I joined, I noticed he was doing a live chat with him and one of his buddies. Of course, being in middle school, he's getting to the age where girls are becoming a part of their lives in a very different way. Anyways, I got on the live chat, and since my Instagram is private all you can see when you click my profile- is my profile picture which is me in a bathing suit with my friend. His friend clicked on my page and saw my picture and began to saying things to my cousin, like, "DAMNNNN." "WHO IS SHE???" Making my cousin very uncomfortable.

I wrote on the live that I could hear and see everything they were doing and the little boy continued to talk. My younger cousin finally broke his silence and said, "please stop talking about my cousin like that." I sat there in awe of how long it took my little cousin to say something and how even when he did say it he felt uncomfortable and awkward. He ended up getting off live and calling me to tell me he was sorry about his friend and that he didn't want me to feel bad. I told him, that he needs to learn from his friends mistake and never do that to someone because it doesn't feel to great. At the end of the day, he learned and its fine, but I felt stress from social media and I can assure you my cousin is probably never going to get back on Instagram live.... again.

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