Sunday, November 10, 2019

No shoulders please!

Do you remind reading the memes and articles about young girls being sent home or sent to change for their shoulders showing in middle school and high school? I have a personal experience that I wanted to share. I went to middle school and high school in south Florida. When I was in middle school, the first 2 years my school had a strict dress code of wearing a polo shirt (with the 3-5 buttons and collar) and black or khaki pants, NO jeans. In 8thgrade, my final year in middle school, my school decided to change our dress code policy. We were then allowed to wear tops that weren’t cropped or had spaghetti strips, dresses/skirts that came at least to the knees, or any kind of pant or jean that had no rips.
 One day, I went to school wearing a muscle tank, which exposed the top of my shoulders. Might I note, many of the boys after gym class kept their gym t-shirts off for the rest of the day and wore their wife beater tanks. I had on my version of the “wife beater”, in olive green. I had no cleavage showing, although I didn’t have much at time anyways haha. I was sitting in 7thperiod, the last class of the day, when my teacher looks me up and down and tells me I’m out of dress code. One of the boys in my gym class were sitting in the classroom, so I politely pointed out we were wearing the same style shirt and if I was to get dress code, technically he should to.
 The teacher wouldn’t reason with me and believed because I was a girl and he wasn’t, I was in the wrong and he wasn’t. I eventually took this to the principal’s office, to my surprise was on my side. He stated that we were both in the wrong, if girls can’t show shoulders then males aren’t allowed to either. It shocked me that the male principal was on my side, but my female teacher wasn’t. Do you ever experience gender inequality from someone who’s the same gender as you?

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