Sunday, November 10, 2019

Team Technology

Technology plays a big part in most of our everyday lives. Whether we’re on the computer doing homework, using the phone to contact a far relative, or even driving to work in the morning. Technology is constantly around us. One controversial thing technology has brought us is social media. Social media is very good and very bad at the same time. Social media platforms are amazing at connecting people together from all around the world, no matter what position you are in. 
I’m a 19-year-old girl from Florida who’s able to watch youtube videos from bloggers in the U.K, I have access to Kim Kardashian’s tweets in California; the amount of information I am able to access is endless. The bad thing about this is just how it sounds. Technology and social media combat cybercrimes, which are crimes committed via online. Imagine being cyber stalked through your web browser history and computer data. It’s most likely you’d never even know, unless someone left a kind of trace behind. Usually you don’t realize your information has been breached until its already too late. The amount of leaked photos and information about celebrities is insane. These are people who have plenty of money for cyber security and protection, so why should I think someone like me is safe? If someone wanted to, I’m sure they’d be more then capable of accessing personal data on me.
 It’s definitely something to think about the next time uploading a risky picture to your icloud. I think it’s crazy how many doors technology has opened for the world, but positive and negative. 

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