Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"Hip-Hop Culture" Derived from Ideas of Hypermasculinity

           I found this article published by Odyssey, that speaks about hip-hop culture, black masculinity, and hypermasculinity similar to our module four lesson on “Racializing Masculinities.”  This article discusses how hip-hop culture is derived from the roots of political and social injustices and how the messages we hear of rape culture, violence, and misogyny has “engrafted in the doctrine of black male masculinity in predominantly African-American communities” (Richardson) which stems from the ideas of hypermasculinity.

         It describes the themes of the street life, drugs, violence, misogyny, and power which all stems from the ideas of hypermasculinity. Unfortunately, this promotes a message to listeners that it’s okay to degrade women as objects, violence makes a man tough, and that drugs provide prestige and wealth which is far from the truth.

You can read the article here: 

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