Sunday, November 19, 2017

Boys Are Internalizing Toxic Masculinity Habits Way Too Early

Boys Are Internalizing Toxic Masculinity Habits Way Too Early

This article is a written interview with musician John Legend. Legend goes on to explain how he feels that boys at a young age are taught to be hyper-masculine, especially young black men. Legend explains that when his parents divorced he lived with his father and his father did not show him the hyper masculinity that he saw his friends develop around him. He mentions that a lot of his friends ended up selling drugs, in jail and losing their lives.

It seems interesting that people are now paying attention to the fact that hyper masculinity is toxic for men. How it can impact men negativity because it makes men feel that they have something to prove and will do it at all cause. Legend mentions how he is happy that his parents didn’t teach him to be hyper masculine because he ended up being a successful musician and living a much better life.

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