Sunday, November 19, 2017

Most mass killers are men who also attacked their families

Most mass killers are men who also attacked their families

This article shows the link that most mass killers happen to be men and they also happen to abuse their family members. The articles goes on to list the mass shooters we have been seeing lately commit these crimes and how they have record of abusing their wives and even their children. The end of the article points out that if we could intervene with domestic violence when it first starts or educate on it, we could possibly have less mass shootings.

I find it interesting that these men are abusers and that their violent actions tends to go toward the people they love as well. We have learned throughout the semester how men are taught from a young age about control and respect and then how it is acceptable to act out with violence in order to achieve the control and respect they feel they deserve. The fact that there is a link to domestic violence and mass shooting show be something that is more looked into. We do not hear about it in the media that they do have a history of abuse, we just heard about the violence they commit on the day of the shooting.

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