Monday, November 20, 2017

Men Want to Protect Their Masculinity So Bad

This "man box" really has straight men feeling insecure. It drives them crazy when their masculinity or sexuality can potentially be challenged.

The other day, I dropped my car off at the mechanic and I took the Orlando Lynx Bus to run some errands. It was a tad cold, and I decided to wear some fashionable, flexible fall clothes, meaning that it could keep me warm and I could change it to adapt with the heat by rolling up the sleeves or something.

Anyway, I'm on the bus, headed to my first stop and this guy, dressed in construction attire, gets on the bus. He sits a seat over next to me. A few minutes pass and he notices my shirt and says, "That's a nice shirt man." "Thanks," I reply. "What is this material? It looks comfortable." I answer, "I actually don't know, but it is mad comfortable." We laugh. "Can I touch it," he asks? I'm very open and I honestly have no boundaries or bubbles, even with strangers so I say, "Yes." He feel it and says, "Damn, that's nice. Man, you are rocking that shirt. You look good, man." I began to say, "Thank you-" "No homo," he interrupts. "What," I ask? "NO HOMO! I ain't gay or nothing, I just really like your shirt. Like, no homo bro." I reassure him that I didn't think that and we go on about our business.

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