Monday, November 20, 2017

Why men should be feminists

Dear men,

If you have a mother, sister, daughter, grandmother, niece, aunt or female friend, you should be a feminist. Why? Because you should agree with and defend their right to equality. You should help the women in your life live in a world where walking down the street at night is not potentially life-threatening. To help, you should talk to your male friends about violence and women, about sexism and put an end to "guy talk." You should want the women in your life to work at a company that does not demand she work two or three times as hard as a man to get the same benefits and appreciation. Just because you don't have to answer questions about motherhood and daycare at an interview doesn't mean she should have to either. The women in your life probably do a lot for you  from birthing you, teaching you and inspiring you  it's time to return the favor. Every time a male friend makes a derogatory joke about women, you need to say something. You need to break the silence. Help make it clear that sexism and violence against women is not okay and should never be normalized. You might never experience what a woman goes through  sexual harassment, condescension, violence  and that is all the more reason why you should help her through it. Support equal pay, support women in sports, support women in science, support women of all races and classes, support women's reproductive rights, support women's safety. Treat others how you want to be treated. Share the division of labor in the home. Break the stereotypes, be the difference. Intervene when you see a woman in distress. Go with your instinct, and do what's right. Be a feminist.


Your feminist friend and ally.

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