Tuesday, November 21, 2017

MRAs are way more extreme than I thought.

I had heard before about Men's Rights Activists but until this part in the semester had no idea how much they hate women.  Yes - I admit there are the men hating feminists but I find that they are not as many as there are feminists who understand the movement and where/why it stemmed and it's going. One particular thing on this list that stood out to me was the half of rapes reported are false allegations.  Half?  No - 2-8% of them reported are false and that's not half.  This entire list actually made me quite mad.  I'm sure most of these men find themselves on the "right side of privilege" often and neglect to realize that they are asking for what they already have - rights.  Victims are always questioned with what they were wearing, why were they at that place - alone, why were they drunk?  All these questions does not take away from the fact that someone wanted what was happening to stop.  I know I said above that it seems that they hate women - I wonder do any of them have relationships?  What kind of woman would even allow this sort of treatment?  Baffled.


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