Monday, November 20, 2017

The Evolution of Masculinity

      Compared to the “baby boomers” the men in this day and age don’t feel as their “completely masculine”. I feel like this is that way because their parents or grandparents are most likely part of the “baby boomers” so they’re probably used to seeing something different. The men now drink green juices instead of beer and meditating and exercising instead of watching the news in the morning. In this article it is being said that the masculinity that has been modeled such as, that men shouldn’t express emotion, be sensitive, or show vulnerability is now starting to fade.

There are 7 reasons why they are reinventing masculinity:
  1. They want to get to know themselves more on a deep and personal level. They believe in taking care of themselves. This is different compared to the traditional men, who would most likely keep themselves busy and not worry about their health.
  2. They don’t have a need to conform to their gender. That’s why stay at home dads are becoming more acceptable and they aren’t threatened by women’s success.
  3. The millennial men are more secure with themselves and their worth so they don’t feel as they have to compete with one another.
  4. They feel they don’t have no need to pretend and they are not ashamed of who they are.
  5. They view their vulnerability and emotions as a sign of courage. The view of emotionless men is slowly but surely disappearing.
  6. Millennial men value themselves and their values. He is committed to himself and improving himself.
  7. They want to keep growing and being successful. It may be with work, relationships, or within themselves. I know plenty of men that decided to not enter a relationship because they wanted to work on themselves so they can be good enough for the woman that may enter their life. 

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