Monday, November 20, 2017

Double Standards

There are double standards in everyday life for men and women. Theses double standards have become somewhat of a norm, but are very accurate as to how society views certain things. There are many examples of double standards that are prevalent in today's society, but the one I want to focus on is the acceptance of objectifying the body.

Society already degrades women down to the point that they need to have model bodies to be beautiful and they can't show too much cleavage because they're being suggestive or asking for attention and they can't do wear certain clothes because they might make themselves bait for rape. In addition to that, society is also strict as to what happens to the female body and how we treat their body: no touching, no violating in any aspect, no looking too long, etc.

On the contrary, the male body is almost always subjected to objectification. Women are allowed to touch and grope men in strip clubs, they lift our shirts, we need chiseled bodies and abs to be beautiful too, women can stare and show unwarranted attention, etc. Then men are called gay when they aren't fond of the attention because "what man doesn't want attention from women?" The same men who don't want it just like the same women who don't want attention.

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