Monday, November 20, 2017

This Is a Man Problem

“…we will count on the courts to correct something that our culture should correct.”

The Hollywood scandals have been getting all of the attention lately, but this article that’s been floating around social media lately takes a slightly different approach—it asks what we do about the men who aren’t in Hollywood or politics.

Aside from the obvious calls to action, like speaking up and pressing charges in cases of sexual assault, this authors adamantly repeats a needed re-imagination of masculinity and the accompanying rules of attraction. I think this is what woman have been preaching for a long time, but I think like all other social issues, it’s starting to be taken more seriously as men themselves are preaching it too.

We need to reimagine our vocabulary and our understanding of common concepts—sex, rape, ‘no’, dating, office culture and more. All of these concepts have been cushioned with boundaries that make men comfortable and/or in control. These concepts have positioned men as victims of their “aggressive” and “sex and survival first” biology. Addressing the misconstructions in these conceptions can help fix our culture’s perspective, ultimately fixing this problem at its foundation.

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