Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Men pay a steep price when it comes to masculinity

Men pay a steep price when it comes to masculinity

Men are seen as competitive, brutal, fierce and they are told they need to be all this if they want to be successful in life, at work and at home. They are taught from a young age that men are the breadwinners of the house, but what happens when the roles are reversed, and they are the homemakers? When they are the ones dressing their kids and taking them to school? When men do the chores that a woman would usually do they are seen like something out of the ordinary and it makes sense because they are breaking barriers but it is something that should be done by both parents not just one.

Alia E. Dastagir in an interview with Warren Farrell, known as the intellectual father of the focus on "men's issues," wrote the book The Myth of Male Power, the bible of the men's rights movement” reported that “Every society that survived, survived based on its ability to train its sons to be disposable, " Farrell said. "Disposable in war, disposable in work — on railroads or oil rigs — and therefore indirectly disposable as dads. And in order to get men to be disposable — you couldn't get a man to be willing to sacrifice himself if he got in touch with his feelings — we had to disconnect men from their feelings and therefore who they are.” Have the tables turned and now the men are the ones being discriminated? You decide.

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