Monday, November 12, 2018

Problematic Disney

This article is titled "7 Problematic Lessons Disney Movies Teach Boys About Masculinity." A lot of the time we focus on how Disney seems to teach girls that they need a Prince Charming and many other toxic traits; however, there is less of a spotlight on how they portray the men and how this can affect boys. There are many good points made in this article; however, I will go over the top 3 most "problematic lessons." The first is that all men are attracted to women. They go on to say that there are no gay couples or relationships in any of the Disney movies and that the films are exclusively heterosexist in the way that girls and boys are always chasing each other in one way or another. The closest Disney had to a gay character is Kuzco who had no interest in finding a woman to share his life with, and was very self-centered. (Note: the first confirmed gay character was the 2017 Beauty and the Beast remake, in which LeFou had a small subplot of having a crush on Gaston).
The second lesson states that "good men are buff, and anything else is just laughable...or evil." There is a consistency in body types for their movies- tall, fit, and handsome. Hercules is the epitome of this. The non-leading roles for men have two distinct body types: short and round (humerus characters), or tall and pointy (the villains). The final lesson is that women need to be rescued by men. There is a reoccurring theme of having a damsel in distress, some of which, are in need of "true love's kiss" to be able to function as a human being. This shows that women are something to be conquered because they are powerless.

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